2:42 PM MTB World's Day 1


After a mix-up with my passport I arrived in Monte Sainte Anne for the World Mountain Bike Championships about 8 hours behind schedule. No worries though. Went straight up the hill for my first course walk and in my typical fashion I tried avoiding what everyone else was shooting (crazy dust.) Somehow I found the only berm on the course with hero dirt and got the shot of Sam Blenkinsop above.

I hadn't been to Monte Sainte Anne before and practice was short so I played things out pretty quickly and when no-one else was set-up in this tree'd section I pulled out some strobes and lit up Brad Benedict for his trip through the woods.


Next up I ventured way down the course and got kind of hung up in the main rock garden area. A bunch of other photo nerds were there. Lights were everywhere and the video nerds were setting up rigs. I got suckered and set-up, then decided to take my chances and shoot real tight with strobes and show the dust I was avoiding before.


I stayed in the same spot through most of the timed runs and just shot different angles. Here's Kyle Strait making a hard right to turn left.


The last shot on day 1 is Steve Peat. No he's not doing trials in the middle of his timed run.



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